Feedback and the written report
Following our professional team meeting we meet with you to feedback the outcome of the assessment. The reasons for the diagnostic outcome will be explained to you and you will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Any recommendations will be agreed during this appointment and these will be added to your assessment report, which will be sent to you shortly after the feedback appointment.

Observational Assessment in Clinic (ADOS-2)
We then meet with you in clinic to complete the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
(ADOS-2). We will engage in some discussion and engage in activities together.
Most individuals enjoy or at least are curious about this aspect of the assessment.

The Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) is an interview completed with your parents, family member or a sibling who know of your development.

Multi-disciplinary Team Diagnostic Meeting
Following all parts of the testing with you, the multi-disciplinary team meet to review and discuss all of the information gathered. The information is considered alongside the DSM-V diagnostic criteria and a conclusion reached about whether you do or do not meet the criteria for a diagnosis.